No approvals or budget required: You already have the power to tangibly improve your organizational and team culture
Julie Sielaff Julie Sielaff

No approvals or budget required: You already have the power to tangibly improve your organizational and team culture

There is a lot of thought going into organizational and team culture right now. This is good news and will ultimately create a better experience for employees, regardless of generation, priorities or career paths. But amidst all the thinking, studies and surveys, a simple strategy is being overlooked; one that’s available to anyone at no cost—from the C-suite to the youngest intern on the team: appreciation.

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Strategy, purpose and culture: Is your triangle broken?
Julie Sielaff Julie Sielaff

Strategy, purpose and culture: Is your triangle broken?

I can’t stop thinking about this article I shared on LinkedIn recently from HBR: Does Your Company’s Culture Reinforce Its Strategy and Purpose? It positions purpose (the north star and inspiration for talent), strategy (the plan to achieve success) and culture (what talent experiences) as a triangle. If one side of the triangle changes, the other two sides must also change or the triangle collapses. It even states the obvious: a communication plan can’t fix a broken triangle.

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